
семинары и конференцииWater Treatment at Fossil Power Plants and Highly Mineralized Waste Processing

This research field at TWT Department is guided by Dr. Lyudmila Vasina. It is related with development of thermal method of processing of the highly mineralized water.
To provide reliable operation of heat-exchange equipment (evaporators, heat exchangers), optimum water chemistries have been developed on the basis of research on thermodynamics of solutions. The produced test data on regularities of formation of difficultly soluble compounds and developed method of calculation of scale formation rate have provided their successful use at operating evaporators and desalination plants.
The research group personnel participates in development of up-to-date methods to prevent scale formation. One of these methods includes feed of antiscaling compounds (in this country - phosphonates). This method is in use not only during operation of evaporators, but also in heating systems.
Scientific potential of the research group provides solution of different water treatment problems. At present the work to improve makeup pretreatment technology is underway. The properties of new domestic and foreign coagulants and flocculants have been studied. New technology of water clarification have been introduced at Mosenergo Power Plant N 21.
Geography of facilities, where research results of the group have been introduced, is broad enough, and includes regions of Siberia, Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, Ural, and Central Russian Upland with different composition of water sources. Implementation of the research results of the group helps to improve ecology situation in these regions.
Translated by A. Petrov
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