
семинары и конференцииFuel Technology

The basic research field of TWT Department in fuel technology have been the solution of the problem of transition from simple fossil fuel combustion at power plants to its complex power-technological use.
Now all combustion specialists agree, that coal, like oil or natural gas, is not the mere fuel. Fossil fuel, coal first, is unique nature product, a source of everything needed by mankind.
Development of processes and technologies of complex fuel (coal and heavy oil residues) processing at fossil power plants was initiated at TWT department by professor V.A. Golubtsov. Ecology-free methods of coal gasification and high-speed pyrolysis with heating with solid, liquid, or gaseous coolant have been developed and proved. The laboratory prototypes of high-speed pyrolysis units with high-temperature melt, including autogenous slag as coolant, have been developed and tested. Some of them were granted with invention certificates. Theoretical studies on pyrogasification processing of low-grade coal at fossil power plants and optimization of intracyclone coal gasification at combined cycle units have been performed. The fuel laboratory includes unique test rigs, in particular, to study the high-speed pyrolysis of coal with different coolants. More then ten Ph.D. dissertations have been defended at the department on this subject, including post-graduate students from China, Vietnam, and Egypt. Many papers and monographs have been published by the department personnel on the matter. The research on the fuel technology is underway at present time, in spite of evident difficulties. This research is performed under cooperation with many institutions, including NIITeplopribor, VNIIUgleprovod, IVT RAN, Konakovskaya GRES. Students are involved in some studies. Now the power industry of our country faces the problem how to increase drastically the percentage of coal used at power plants and to start use of new highly efficient coal technologies. The TWT Department should play in this an important part.
For more information please contact Dr. Boris S. Beloselsky.
Translated by A. Petrov

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