png - picture, MC11, MC13 и MC14-15 - Mathcad-files of different versions of Matcad for downloading
MCS - on-line Mathcad calculation
***- working
Fig. 1.1. |
Analytical solution of the direct kinetic problem for the simple reaction by Mathcad |
Fig. 1.2. |
The derivation of the kinetic equation of the first-order reaction |
Fig. 1.3. |
Kinetic curves of the reagent in the elementary reactions of various orders |
Fig. 1.4. |
Half-life times for the reactions of various orders |
Fig. 1.5. |
Model kinetic curves for the reactions of various orders and their anamorphosises in linearize coordinates |
Fig. 1.6. |
The solution of the direct kinetic problem for the second-order reaction in case of inequality of the reagents’ initial concentrations |
Fig. 1.7. |
Solution of the direct problem for the first-order two-way reaction |
Fig. 1.8. |
Solution of direct kinetic problem for second-order reversible reaction А+В↔С+D |
Fig. 1.9. |
Derivation of kinetic curve equation for intermediate product in successive first-order reaction with the help of dsolve function |
Fig. 1.10. |
Kinetic curves of the participant of successive first-order reaction |
Fig. 1.11. |
Trend of kinetic curves for intermediate and final product of the successive reactions with different ratio
Fig. 1.12. |
Derivation of kinetic equations for successive reactions in Maple |
Fig. 1.13. |
Dialog box Interactive ODE Analyzer |
Fig. 1.14. |
Solution of kinetic problem with the help of visually oriented elements of Maple system |
Fig. 1.15. |
Kinetic curves of the participants of successive second-order reaction (on-line calculation |
Fig. 1.16. |
Kinetic equations and corresponding kinetic curves for the participants of parallel first-order reaction |
Fig. 1.17. |
For the derivation of kinetic equation for methyl halogenide hydrolysis process |
Fig. 1.18. |
Solution of direct kinetic problem for self-catalyzed reaction |
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